Système intégré de gestion ouvert et multiplateformes des marchés publics
Publié le 05-09-2024 à 16:40
Support : Plateforme :
         OPEN NATIONAL INVITATION TO TENDER N° 31/ONIT/FNRC/ITB/2023 OF  30/08/2024                FOR THE SUPPLY OF INSURANCE POLICY FOR THE FOLLOWING VEHICULE                       (CA 7281 D, EN 265 AS, EN 266 AS, EN 267 AS, EN 268 AS AND EN 459 AS) AND                        MOTORBIKE (ENMT 101 CV) , YEAR 2023 FOR THE REGIONAL COUNCIL OF THE               FAR   NORTH REGION.                Funding: Public Budget of the Regional Council, year 2024 Heading 670 111
Source de financement
1.Objet New(Additif)

Within the framework of the Public Investment Budget, for the year 2024, the President of the Regional Council of the Far North Region, hereby launches in an emergency procedure an invitation to tender for the supply of insurance policy for the following vehicle (CA 7281 D, EN 265 AS, EN 266 AS, EN 267 AS, EN 268 AS AND EN 459 AS) and motorbike (ENMT 101 CV), year 2023 for the Regional Council of the Far North Region.

2.Consistance des prestations New(Additif)

Deliverables subject of this consultation are detailed in the terms of reference.

3.Participation et origine New(Additif)

The application to this invitation to tender is opened with equal conditions to Cameroon-Law related firms and companies experienced in similar services and located in Cameroon. By this invitation to tender, interested companies are called upon to provide authentic information which  will be helpful for the choice of the one that can meet the needs of the required service after an in-depth and objective appraisal of its application file.

4.Financement New(Additif)

Services forming the subject of this invitation to tender shall be financed by the Public Budget of the Regional Council of the Far North Region, year 2023

5.Consultation du Dossier New(Additif)

The tender documents may be consulted during working hours at the Far North Regional Council of the Far North Region (Secretariat General), at Djarengol-Pitoaré Street,  Phone : 222 290 151, as soon as this notice is published.

6.Acquisition du Dossier New(Additif)

The tender documents offer may be obtained from the Secretariat General), at Djarengol-Pitoaré Street, Phone: 222 290 151 on presentation of a receipt showing the payment of a non-refundable sum of twenty five thousand (25 000) CFA francs, as purchase fee for the document, payable into the Regional Council Receiver Office.

7.Remises des offres New(Additif)

Seven copies of each tender application written either in English or in French; one (01) original document and six (06) copies labelled as such, in accordance with the invitation to tender should be submitted in a sealed envelope against a receipt at the Regional Council of the Far North Region in Maroua, Services of the Secretarial General, by 27/09/20024 at 12.00 Am (local time). Phone: 222 290 151.They should bear the following:


N° 31/ONIT/FNRC/ITB/2023 OF  30/08/2024


                      (CA 7281 D, EN 265 AS, EN 266 AS, EN 267 AS, EN 268 AS AND EN 459 AS) AND

                       MOTORBIKE (ENMT 101 CV) , YEAR 2023 FOR THE REGIONAL COUNCIL OF THE

              FAR   NORTH REGION.             

8.Delai de Livraison New(Additif)

The planned duration given by the project owner for the realization of the job is twelve (12) months.

9.Cautionnement Provisoire New(Additif)

Each bidder shall submit his administrative documents, with a bid bond of the amount of two hundred sixty four thousand (264 000) FCFA established by a first class bank approved by the Ministry of Finance and valid for thirty (30) days beyond the original expiry date of tenders.

10.Recevabilité des Offres New(Additif)

Under penalty of rejection, the administrative documents required must imperatively be produced originals or certified by the issuing authority or an administrative authority copies (Divisional Officer , Sub- Divisional Officer, ...), in accordance with the laws and Regulations.

They must be dated less than three (03) months preceding the date of submission of bids.

Any bid not meeting the requirements of this Notice and Tender Documents will be declared inadmissible. Including the absence of a bid bond issued by a first class bank approved by the Ministry of Finance or the failure models from the documents of tender will result in rejection of the bid.

11.Ouverture des Plis New(Additif)

Tenders disclosure will be done in one stage on 27/09/2024 at 1.00 pm prompt at the meeting Hall of the Regional Council of the Far North Region in the presence of the tender applicants.

Only them may attend this opening session or have themselves represented by a duly person of their choice (even in case of joint venture) having a knowledge of their file.

12.Critères d'évaluation New(Additif)

11.1 Eliminatory criteria

The following criteria will affect the offers, making them ineligible:

a)      False declaration or forged document;

b)      Absence or imperfection of bank bid submission;

c)      Absence of adhesion attestation to the dispositions of code CIMA; 

d)     Non production of C1, C4, C10b (sheet F) and C11 ;

e)      Absence of agreement ;

f)       Failure to score at least nineteen (19) essential criteria over twenty six (26) or Failure to score at least seventy per cent (70%) of the essential criteria.

11.2 Essential criteria

The evaluation will be carried out in two phases:

-        General presentation of bid ;

-        Bidder’s References in similar risks during the last five years (attach the first and the last   pages of the contract);

-        Detailed description of guarantees offered ;

-        Modalities to put the guarantee into play ;

-        Territorial Representation;

-        Balance sheet for the last three financial years;

-        Solvency margin coverage;

-        Claims settlement rate in the similar line of business over the past five (5) years.

13.Durée Validité des Offres New(Additif)

The tenderers remain committed to their tender for Ninety (90) days from the deadline set for the submission of tenders.

14.Renseignements Complémentaires New(Additif)

Some technical information could be obtained during working hours at the Secretariat General Office of The Regional Council of Far North Region.

MAROUA Le 30-08-2024